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Day 2 – SDF’s Festival of Learning and Development 2022


Day 3 ProgrammeDay 1 Programme

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Welcome to Day 2



9.45AM – 10.45AM

Thinking Differently: creating space to develop inclusive leadership

Hannah Fromageau, Advance HE

Synopsis: During this talk I will investigate the kind of facilitated spaces that need to be carefully created and crafted to enable learning about, and development of, inclusive leadership. I will be drawing on relevant work to consider ways for individuals to think about their attitudes towards difference in the quest to lead more inclusively. I will refer to specific reports and models to explore the need to couple psychological safety with frequent opportunities for thinking and discussion in this area. Using examples, I will reflect on how the content and the processes by which this content is offered must combine to fully activate individual and organisational learning for inclusive leadership.


11.00AM – 11.45AM

The L&D and EDI dream-team: sharpening our focus to deliver inclusion

Ann Allcock, Marshall E-Learning

Synopsis: This session explores how L&D and EDI functions can align to create learning opportunities and training that resonate with and support all employees. We will consider practical solutions to embed inclusion into key aspects of L&D and reflect on how our own identities and knowledge impact our response in this space.


12.00PM – 12.45PM

ELECTRIC® – The model helping leaders and managers have more impactful conversations

Amanda Hobbins, The OCM Group

Synopsis: The OCM are leaders in coaching and mentoring. Our experts have taken the latest knowledge from the industry and developed our very own ELECTRIC® framework, for improving the quality of conversations. In this workshop we guide you through the model and give you the opportunity to experience your own ELECTRIC® conversations.


1.45PM – 2.45PM

Social by Design: Creating a Continuous Learning Culture

Mark Britz, SXD Solutions

Synopsis: The greatest part of learning in organizations happens socially and informally and yet, the majority of time, attention and budget is invested in formal training efforts. Even when an organization recognizes the opportunity, they wrongly turn to technology, leadership behavior change and gimmicks in an effort to inspire greater sharing, connection and collaboration.

In this keynote conversation, Mark Britz takes you further upstream, beyond creating training, to organization design and its role in impacting social behaviours at work. Not only will this session challenge your beliefs but it will charge you into altering your practice from one focused on creating content to creating conversations, from adding assets to removing barriers, and ultimately open your mind to the reality that creating a culture of continuous learning only happens through systems change.


3.00PM – 3.45PM

How inclusive decision-making can drive innovation and an equitable and just future

Dr Kristen Liesch, Anna Dewar Gully, Tidal Equality & Jonathan Orr, BCcampus

Synopsis: Today, leaders and managers are expected to mitigate for their individual biases in their work and decision-making in order to create more equity and inclusion in the workplace. But tomorrow, leaders will be facilitating equitable innovation by practicing and leading on inclusive decision-making. In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to a decision-making framework already catalyzing innovation and change in the higher education sector, and will hear of early impact.


4.00PM – 4.45PM

Building a leaders and managers network

Jessie Monck, Cambridge University

Synopsis: Join me to hear about the creation and growth of our Leaders and Managers Network. Regardless of position, role or area within the University, managing others is a uniquely equalising experience, particularly at a time of such rapid change. Now more than ever, support for this group is essential to maintain a positive and productive workplace for all.

Lone wolf to leader: a paradigm shift

Emily Pitt, University of Bristol

Synopsis: “What is expected of our academic leaders?” “What makes a ‘good’ leader?” “How do we develop positive leadership skills and behaviours for the benefit of our academic community?” This session introduces the Academic Leadership Code: a behavioural framework and toolkit being developed by the University of Bristol.