The aim of the special interest group is to support Women in Higher Education at all levels through speakers, events and networking to share experiences and explore our leadership pathways. We want to create a community to encourage debate and reflection around the successes and challenges we encounter and empowering each other to reach our full potential.
This Advancing Women’s Leadership Special Interest Group is aimed at staff developers and staff within Higher Education institutions with an interest in making a difference. Its purpose is to provide SDF members with a regular mechanism to interactively share best practice for:
- challenging mindset
- strengthening skills
- enhancing opportunities for success
The focus of the SIG is on creating an online network moving forward for 2020/21 and beyond.
Full details of each AWLSIG workshop, dates & information on how to take part will be circulated via the SDF Jiscmail.
AWLSIG Enquires: Please contact JP Ashton-Kinlin, SDF Administrator – for any SDF Advancing Women’s Leadership Special Interest Group (AWLSIG) enquiries, or, if you would like to deliver or co-facilitate a session.
Session recordings will be available on our AdvanceHE Connect platform in due course.
You can also find out more about the SDF space on AdvanceHE connect here.