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SDF’s Festival of Learning & Development 2024

Transform, Empower and Balance: Moving towards an adaptive mindset in times of disruption

Date: 11, 12 and 13 November 2024
Venue: SDF Zoom and Advance HE connect, plus in-person (venue TBA)

This year’s SDF Festival of Learning and Development will focus on four key themes:

  • Transforming learning across hierarchies with the affordances of technology
  • Empowering the workforce for innovation, inclusivity and wellbeing in the face of ambiguity and scarcity
  • Balancing human growth and technological disruption
  • Revolutionalising learning and reflection for success and happiness

Monday 11th November

9:00 – 9:55 Keynote: TBC
Donald Taylor, Chair, Learning Technologies Conference

Synopsis: TBC

10:00 – 10:45 Workshop: Meet the challenges of a changing work ecosystem: techniques to embrace complexity and empower your workforce 
Eszter Molnar-Mills, Formium Development

Synopsis: Faced with disruptive change you need everyone working together for rapid evolution. But do your leaders, managers and teams have the necessary mindset, ability and skills? 

Join me to apply the PRIME model tools to combine foresight with flexibility, enabling you to meet the challenges of the changing work ecosystem.

11:00 – 11:45 Workshop: Coaching as a Catalyst: Empowering L&D Professionals through Reflective Practice
Jimi Wall, Upwrd

– Highlight how coaching provides L&D professionals with a dedicated space for introspection, goal-setting, and skill development.
– Explore the challenges of prioritising being coached in the context of busy schedules and competing demands.
– Coach your peers in a short interactive exercise, to help them to self-reflect.

12:00 – 12:45: Workshop: Team Thinking: Innovate, Improve and Inspire! 
John Drysdale, No Guru

Synopsis: As a rule, our Teams don’t always harness the power of our collective thinking. This isn’t because we don’t have the ability, and it isn’t because we don’t want to. It’s just that we have never been given an effective process or the right conditions, for thinking as a Team. This session aims to change all that; to make thinking easier, quicker, more effective and more fun!

2:00 – 2:55: Keynote: Leadership Careers in Professional Services 
Fiona Lennoxsmith, Advance HE

Synopsis: TBC

3:00 – 3:45: Learning Playground: Developing leaders who adapt to the environment around them, reflect in action and navigate complexity
Joanna Le Bohec & Jenny Tester, GatenbySanderson

Synopsis: This session will showcase learning and development initiatives and programmes in play at the University of Leeds for our Grade 2 – Grade 5 staff community. We have a vision to provide a flexible and agile programme determined by the needs of our people. At this session you will be introduced to some of the outcomes and stories behind the award winning learning and development programme!

4:00 – 4:45: Pecha Kucha: 
Harnessing Neuroscience and Your EQ Influence to Unlock Your Learning Potential
Gary Hosey, EI Company

Synopsis: In this engaging Pecha Kucha session, Gary Hosey, an acclaimed expert in emotional intelligence and leadership, delves into the latest insights from neuroscience to revolutionise learning and reflection. Discover how leveraging the power of neuroplasticity and emotional intelligence can foster continuous personal and professional growth. Attendees will learn how to harness these principles to adapt and thrive in the fast-paced digital age, enhancing their success and happiness. This session combines a concise, impactful presentation with interactive Q&A segments to provide practical tools and strategies for transformative learning.

Pecha Kucha: 
Innovative ways to develop and empower your staff in a virtual world!
Matt Clarke, Harriet Attwood & Katie Stagg, Jisc

Synopsis: How to use virtual settings to help staff develop their wellbeing and resilience, their career development, their leadership and their workplace communities. 

Tuesday 12th November

9:00 – 9:55: Keynote: TBC
Professor Christina Hughes, Women-Space

Synopsis: TBC

10:00 – 10:45: Symposium: Leveraging learning agility for empowering professional development in the face of ambiguity
Rebecca Fielding & Rachel Salmon, GradConsult

Synopsis: How can we empower HE professionals to be innovative and inclusive leaders in constantly shifting contexts? Part of the answer is through developing their ability to learn from experience, apply this learning to changing environments and unlearn behaviours that no longer serve them. In short, it’s through learning agility.  

Symposium: Technical Career Pathways – a clear route to progression
Sara Bacon, NTDC & University of Sheffield and Ian Tidmarsh, Manchester Metropolitan University

Synopsis: The session will introduce the recent developments in the NTDC HETT Technical Career pathway framework;  and the project work involved in the creation and implementation of the pathway with some of the 25+ institutions who have used it.

An interactive part of the session will ask which challenges/progress staff developers have seen in their experiences of career pathways and how we can support them.

11:00 – 11:45: Workshop: Crafting the future of work: Embracing technological change through a job crafting card game – a powerful tool for personalising work.
Charlotte Axon, Tailored Thinking

Synopsis: Embrace technological change through a job crafting card game – a powerful tool for personalising work experiences. This interactive session empowers attendees to craft meaningful tasks, build authentic relationships, reframe their purpose, develop skills, and prioritise their wellbeing in order to humanise the experience of work in the face of continued technological change and disruption.

12:00 -12:45: Workshop: How to have reflective conversations that engage staff
Andry Anastasis-McFarlane, The Learning Moment 

Synopsis: This practical session shows how leaders, coaches, and mentors in Higher Education can integrate micro-moments of reflection into conversations in the face of their busy digital lives

2:00 – 2:55: Keynote: The increased importance of Staff development in an age of ubiquitous AI. 
Charles Knight, Advance HE

Synopsis: This session will examine specific recent examples of generative AI in Higher Education, providing practical illustrations of its impact. It will argue why AI is likely to enhance, not decrease, the importance of L&D and staff development professionals in the near future.  Join Charles Knight of Advance HE as he explores how AI will drive changes to the staff skills base, increasing the need for specific training and development. These practical examples of change will be provided, giving a clear picture of what this means for L&D professionals. 

  • What does AI mean for the skills of the workforce of the future?
  • How should L&D professionals react to these changes? 
3:00 – 3:45: Symposium: Hybrid working – understanding the impact on teams and engagement 
Victoria Brown, Belbin 

Synopsis: Results of our latest research indicate that organisations may be overlooking the impact of remote and hybrid working on team engagement and organisational culture.  
The findings indicate that a successful hybrid working strategy must have team engagement at its centre, along with individual performance and engagement.  
This is the first study of this kind linking findings on remote and hybrid working to Belbin Team Roles. Such an approach keeps team cohesion and engagement at the core, whilst promoting individual strengths in a way that benefits the individual and the team in unison.

Symposium: Choose your own (development) adventure: Putting future capabilities at the heart of our learning proposition
Marianne Webb & Neal Chamberlain, University of Manchester

Synopsis: This session will focus on how we have shifted our learning proposition from a series of individual courses to a suite of connected learning within a core capability framework, linked directly to the strategic direction and future needs of our University.  
This includes developing stronger links to workforce planning and supporting development conversations.  

4:00 – 4:45: Workshop: Adopting a Positive Reflection Routine and Technique
Julie Stock, Open University

Workshop: Reflective practice is something that we tend to do at certain times, but have you thought about this as a daily practice? A lot of us tend to reflect on what we can do better or areas to improve, how many of us reflect on what has gone well?

Wednesday 13th November