Faced with an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, how can universities adapt and prepare themselves and their students to successfully navigate through turbulent times?
We are seeing the rise of innovative leadership models, born out of the need to find solutions to these new challenges we are facing as individuals and collectively. These models often combine knowledge and practice from several fields and disciplines, which is exciting but also not yet fully explored space for us as leaders and practitioners.
This ‘Emerging leadership models’ Special Interest Group is aimed at staff and learning developers and staff within Higher Education institutions with an interest in delivering cutting-edge leadership programmes, and in discovering/exercising your own leadership to create impact. Its purpose is to provide SDF members with a regular mechanism to interactively share best practice around:
- Exploring new models of leadership
- Equipping leaders to respond to current crisis
- Translating new insights into practical lessons and tools
The group will be exploring these new leadership models and approaches; and their application in and outside the sector. The topics include:
- Authentic leadership
- Zen Leadership
- Servant leadership
- Eco leadership
- ‘Leader as healer’
- Mindful leadership
- Inclusive leadership
- Embodied leadership
- Part-time leadership
- Everyday leadership
- Indigenous leadership
Full details of each Emerging leadership models workshop, dates & information on how to take part will be circulated via the SDF Jiscmail.
Emerging leadership models SIG Enquires: Please contact JP Ashton-Kinlin, SDF Administrator – office@sdf.ac.uk for any SDF Emerging leadership models Special Interest Group enquiries.
Session recordings will be available on our AdvanceHE Connect platform.
You can also find out more about the SDF space on AdvanceHE connect here.