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My SDF Story with Paul Compton

PC Story

Where do you work and what is your role?

I work at the University of Birmingham and am the training manger in People & Organisational Development (POD). I’ve worked here for nearly nine years.

When did you join the SDF?

I joined pretty much as I started at the University.

Why did you want to join the SDF?

My head of department recommended I join the SDF to connect and network with other staff development professionals across the HE sector. As somebody who was new to HE, I saw it as a great opportunity to find out more about the sector, the challenges that we face and to learn from others. I remember the pre-Covid SDF conferences which were in-person and found them invaluable in achieving this.

What are you working on at the moment?

I wear a number of hats! I lead a fab team of trainers who deliver leadership, management and wellbeing focused courses and programmes to support our strategic priorities. We have recently launched a series of interventions under the title of ‘Management Matters’ to develop competence, confidence and consistency across our management population. This includes classroom-based learning, action learning sessions and PODCasts. We will be developing our ‘Leadership Matters’ series in the next academic year. I also lead, with another colleague, on our internal Coaching Academy and have approximately 50 qualified coaches in the University. As part of this I lead on the delivery of our ILM5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring.

What does a typical day look like?

In a hybrid world, it’s difficult to answer this one! It can range from delivery of our courses and programmes, coaching senior colleagues in the University, developing and evaluating what we offer, and of course, lots of meetings! All whilst juggling the demands of everyday management. It’s rare that two days are ever the same and that adds to the variety of the role which is something that I value.

The person who has influenced you the most is

Gosh, these questions are tough! I think it would have to be my previous manager when I worked in the leadership team in West Midlands Police (a role I did for 10 years). He was everything I needed to help me grow and thrive – he was my mentor, confidante and still is one of my closest friends. He is completely different to me and that helped me to shape and appreciate alterative viewpoints and navigate some of the challenges and politics that came with the role; something that is so relatable to HE.

Work life balance – what leisure activity you enjoy the most?

We have a beautiful border collie called Belle and are fortunate to live in Derbyshire with access to some stunning walks and outdoor spaces. Not only does she keep me fit, but she also provides the perfect excuse to roam around our beautiful countryside. I’d also be lying to myself if I didn’t mention the enjoyment I get from a glass of wine and a good book, sat in the garden.

What’s your greatest fear?

Regret. I never want to wake up in the future and have that nagging question of: ’I wonder what would have happened if I’d just…’

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

As a clear extrovert, so many people! I’ll do my top three…Top of the list would be Guy Garvey, lead singer of Elbow (the best band in the world!). Not only do I think he would be great company, he could also provide the music! Peter Kay and Billy Connolly would have to be on the list too. I think they are possibly the funniest people ever and would be great entertainment!

What’s your favourite/least favourite food?

Least favourite is coconut; I am one of those that will always leave the mini-Bounty bars in the Celebrations tin and the blue ones in Quality Street! Favourite is tough, I have so many. I think the winner would be a really good cheese board – I’ve recently been introduced to a cheese called Neufchatel and it’s simply delicious!

What’s the worst job you ever had?

When I was at college (a long time ago), I worked in a shoe shop. It was vile! Surrounded by people’s feet and all that entails was not fun.

What thing would improve the quality of your life?

As cliched as it may be…time. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to fit in everything I’d like.

What’s coming next for you?

Driving our new ‘Management Matters’ and ‘Leadership Matters’ series across the University and I’m looking forward to recording our first PODCasts to support this.