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SDF Awards 2024 in partnership with AdvanceHE

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Developing Excellent Practice Award 2024 – in partnership by AdvanceHE

The Staff Development Forum is delighted to announce the 2024 Developing Excellent Practice Award to recognise and celebrate outstanding staff development individuals or teams.

The SDF Developing Excellent Practice Award reflects the 2024 Festival of Learning and Development’s overarching theme of ‘Transform, Empower and Balance: Moving towards an adaptive mindset in times of disruption

We encourage submissions from teams or individuals that have led innovative and effective initiatives in any area of staff development. The shortlisted submissions will be invited to be part of Advance HE’s case studies, showcasing good practice and inspiring others in the sector.

Key dates:

  • Deadline: Monday 21st October 2024 17:00 pm
  • Shortlisted entrants will be notified: Monday 28th October 2024
  • Shortlisted entries to submit further evidence: Friday 1st November 2024 17:00 pm
  • Award presentation: Tuesday 12th November during the SDF Festival by an AdvanceHE Representative.

Here are last year’s winners of the SDF awards, showcasing outstanding achievements in staff development:

Gold: University of Leeds for “Digital Literacy – Learning to Log On” by Harriet Boatwright, John Dodds, and Dawn Abel.

Silver: The University of Sheffield for “Sheffield Leader: Management Fundamentals” led by Naomi McNulty, Emma Jepson, Beth Rodgers, Emma Murdoch, Chloe Davey, Ian Cadwallader, and Kennis Cho.

Bronze: University of Birmingham for the “Managing People Toolkit” developed by Vincent Cornelius, Kate Crane, Paul Compton, Jo Higton, Vincent O’Grady, Laura Harding, James Cull, Stuart Harvey & team, Kerry Spooner & team, Philippa Hawkins & team, Monique Myers & team, Rebecca Lewis, and Hilary Brown.


Dr Rossana Gent
SDF Chair