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My SDF Story with Matthew Coombe-Boxall

Where do you work and what is your role?

I work at Staffordshire University as Learning and Development Advisor.

When did you join the SDF?

I joined in November 2022, which was the same time I started in my current role.

Why did you want to join the SDF?

I was new to HR&OD at the time and my Head of Department recommended I should join for professional development and networking – it was a good recommendation!

What’s the best thing about the SDF?

That everyone is willing to share their work, ideas and experiences.

What are you working on at the moment?

So many things! One of the things I’m most excited about is leading the development of a new staff induction programme and collaborating with colleagues across the University to make this happen.

What does a typical day look like?

Echoing colleagues who have previously shared their SDF stories – I don’t think there’s ever a typical day at work! But that’s perfect for me as I love the variety that comes with the role.

Tell us about an event that altered the course of your life/and career

The lockdowns during the Covid era had a huge impact on me professionally. I had just started a Learning Technologist role and the move to remote working/learning gave me extra responsibility and visibility that I probably wouldn’t have had otherwise. I also developed at a faster pace than any prior time in my career – not just in the technical aspects of the role but in several core skills.

The person who has influenced you the most is

There are so many people I could choose from as I feel as though you can learn from everyone – for example I’ve picked up things from every manager I’ve had about how to (and how not to!) lead.  But if I had to pick one person, I’d probably say my father-in-law. I’ve never told him and it’s very unlikely he’ll come across this article, so he may never know, but he is an excellent role model. He selflessly supports his family, he’s reliable, he gets on with things that need doing, and I’ve never heard him complain once. He inspires me to do better.

Work life balance – what leisure activity you enjoy the most?

I enjoy going for walks with the family, especially on a sunny day and with a picnic!

Something about you people would find surprising

I quite enjoy hanging wallpaper and if I ever consider taking a real career lurch, I would try it as a trade. Not necessarily as a decorator because I’m not a fan of painting, but I’d happily hang wallpaper all day.

What’s your greatest fear?

During my time in OD my mindset has shifted, having discussed and used Covey’s Circles of Influence on a near-daily basis, so I tend not to worry much about most things outside my control.  That means my fears are a bit more personal and I’ll show a bit of vulnerability here – as a parent, my greatest fear is anything happening that could affect my children’s health and happiness.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

The obvious answer would be my family – they’re spread around the country and I can’t remember the last time we were all together in the same place. In addition, I’d invite Sarah Millican, Richard Ayoade, Greg Davies and Russell Howard because they are all hilarious.

What would your super-power be?

It’s a toss up between time travel and teleportation (is there a term for having both as a super-power?) – being able to visit any place and/or any time period instantly would be amazing.

What’s your favourite/least favourite food?

I really liked Brussels Sprouts when I was a child and at the time claimed those to be my favourite food – just to go against the grain. I still like them, but they have been knocked off top spot by chocolate.  I’m not a fussy eater and have tried all sorts of weird and wonderful foods, but I really don’t like broad beans – they are horrible!

What’s the worst job you ever had?

The worst job in my professional career was an internal comms role. I took the job as a career change attempt, but the role and company weren’t really a fit for me.  As a teenager I sold programmes for the local football team, who weren’t doing well at the time. Although I got to watch the games for free and learned a lot about keeping myself motivated in challenging conditions, not many other fans were turning up and my wages were commission-only!

What thing would improve the quality of your life?

In the short term, having my wisdom tooth removed. Long term, Tottenham winning something!

What’s coming next for you?

I’m focused on my current role at the moment, but I’ve always wanted to work in London, where my family’s roots are – something to explore more when my children are a bit older