If you are an independent consultant, or represent/own a private company looking to service the Higher Education sector, please consider joining the SDF Partner Jiscmail list.
Who are we?
The Staff Development Forum (SDF) is passionate about people, committed to learning and development and empowering others to thrive.
Members of the Executive and Council teams are Learning and Development professionals in the Higher Education HE) sector working voluntarily to:
- facilitate the growth of learning and development professionals by supporting and challenging each other through networking opportunities.
- craft initiatives to forge collaboration, innovation and sharing of excellent practice.
The SDF is a not-for-profit charitable organisation founded in 2004 and strategically partnered with Advance HE. The SDF is a nationally recognised and regionally representative network.
The purpose of the SDF Partners Jiscmail is to manage the communications and sharing within partners/potential partners effectively.
We would like to circulate information which may be of interest, so you all have access to the same opportunities, for example, disseminating your content of value among the SDF membership, accessing partnering opportunities, etc.
Please do add as many representatives as you wish. These details will be added to the SDF partner Jiscmail list.