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North West Staff Developers Group

Regional Co-Chair – Tracy Ellis

Tracy is currently working in Organisational Development at the University of Liverpool. She was previously Head of Staff Development at the University of Bolton and prior to that spent 15 years as a part time Lecturer in the Business School at Salford University. Whilst in this role, she also ran her own IT consultancy and worked as a Business Advisor providing advice and guidance to SME business owners in Lancashire.

Tracy is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, ILM authorised trainer and ILM qualified coach, CIPD qualified. holds a FE Teachers Certificate, PGCert in Teaching in HE and is Professional Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

Regional Co-Chair – Chris Jones

Chris is an ex-Manchester Met student – albeit 30 years ago – with a background in training design/delivery and L&D in most roles from administration via service centres to budget holder in general for the likes of Network Rail, Engie/Balfour Beatty Workplace and Great Places. All this via a route that also included work in art galleries, retail and offices

In previous roles, Chris has managed apprentice and graduate schemes, working from assessment centre and recruitment through to off-loading via permanent roles and completion of qualifications.  His current role at MMU, as a People Development Specialist, encourages him to use all these skills in vastly different ways, from design and delivery of specific interventions to entire programmes and supporting the wider team with resource design. Chris works across the university with academic colleagues and departments within Professional Services.

His role gives him the opportunity to design and deliver development to a wide variety of colleagues, using a variety of techniques, from newly acquired such as Articulate/Storyline/Rise through to focus groups and coaching/mentoring.  The role has also recently expanded to support the internal apprentice offering which involves work across the University to encourage best use of apprenticeship opportunities to develop existing colleagues and feed into workforce planning and future recruits.

Chris also has a degree in Illustration, a PGCE for Post 16+ and a solid appetite for acquiring new skills – especially if they involve technology!

Contact the North West Staff Developers Group

Visit the North West Staff Developers Group Website

Member Institutions include:

  • Edge Hill University
  • Lancaster University
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Bolton
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • University of Chester
  • University of Cumbria
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester
  • Salford University

Further info

Tracy Ellis, Organisational Developer at the University of Liverpool co-ordinates the NW Coaches Network which meets on a regular basis to support coaching practice. Email: or visit for further information.

The North West Cross Institutional Action Learning Scheme supports academic and professional services staff leadership and career development. Visit for more information.